Music is an integral feature of the worship
each Sunday at St Matthew-in-the-City

The quartet St Matthew's Voices sings anthems and leads the congregational hymns. During festivals and special occasions they augment to a number from eight to twelve and this allows the singing of full masses and elaborate eucharistic liturgies.
Occasionally extra instruments will be called upon - strings and brass instruments are employed at Christmas and at Easter.
Two masses - Mass for the Patronal Feast and Puriri Mass were written specifically to celebrate the
St Matthew’s Day (on or around the Spring Equinox),
an important service for the musicians
at St Matthew-in-the-City.
The Willis organ was designed for strength of tone and the playing of all recital and worship repertoire. The instrument was inaugurated with a concert by Notre Dame organist Olivier Latry.
While not aiming to eclipse the centre of focus for worship, music is a special adornment at every formal act of service.