Advent is the season of waiting and preparation for Christmas
and begins on Sunday 2 December.
When you come to Advent services you will find no “Christmas Carols” but Advent music and carols which emphasise the longing of the people of God for the coming of God amongst them.
This year we are focussing on the characters of Advent: Zechariah and Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Mary and Joseph.
On Sunday 9 December we have an Evensong with the Auckland Youth Choir at 5pm.
On Sunday 16 December at 8pm we start getting a taste of Christmas with our Service of Christmas Readings and Carols. The St Matthew’s Voices will sing Christmas music. Bubbles and strawberries to follow.
This service is hosted jointly with the Auckland Rainbow Community Church.
Then we get to Christmas!
CHRISTMAS EVE Monday 24 December
7pm Nativity Service for Children (and their grown ups) –
Christmas Carols and the telling of the Christmas Story.
9.30pm Music with a brass band
10.30pm Carols for Christmas –
a good sing along and a few readings and poems.
11.30pm Midnight Mass –
the first Eucharist (communion service) of Christmas;
music from the St Matthew’s Voices with Paul Chan on the organ.
The preacher will be Cate Thorn.
CHRISTMAS DAY Tuesday 25 December
(Please note there is no 8am service)
10am Christmas Sung Eucharist –
a Christmas service with communion, carols, a children’s talk,
and music from the St Matthew’s Voices and Paul Chan on the organ.
The preacher will be Helen Jacobi.